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2024-02-29 15:31:34

I’ve always wanted someone to tell me I autocomplete them.
(That feeling when someone makes a Node package with your name. Hey, at least it’s not a German petroleum company…)

Screenshot of a package called aral on

aral autocomplete [SHELL]
display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ aral autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ aral autocomplete
  $ aral autocomplete bash
  $ aral autocomplete zsh
  $ aral autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

aral config
  $ aral config
See code: src/commands/config.ts…
2024-03-30 02:18:05

the mental state diff between
"I can't even be bothered to do dishes / my apartment is a mess of trash and laundry, I haven't kept up with journaling/calendars/inboxes"
"I just cleaned everything from top to bottom and I know what's going on for the next month"
it's such a nice feeling to have a clean workstation
and I know it's hard to monitor or prevent the bipolar-ness of it besides journaling
sometimes it feels like I'm not on top of stuff, or the pace is wrong, but other times the pace feels slow
feelin' better, but "how unkempt is the apartment" is a weird two-way street to my mood...
2024-02-29 06:04:37

Filmmaker from Israeli Occupation receives death threats after criticizing apartheid: Israeli Occupation journalist and filmmaker Yuval Abraham has faced death threats and has altered his travel plans following his acceptance speech at the Berlin International Film Festival.<…

Text Shot: Israeli Occupation journalist and filmmaker Yuval Abraham has faced death threats and has altered his travel plans following his acceptance speech at the Berlin International Film Festival.
2024-04-29 16:01:02

Lieferdienste: Getir macht den Exit in die Türkei
Lieferdienst Getir stellt Mitte Mai in Deutschland den Betrieb ein und überlässt Flink das Feld – aber auch der Konkurrent ist noch nicht aus dem Schneider. ​
2024-02-28 16:07:59

Widzę, że Aiswei (producent falowników) eksperymentuje z wysyłaniem maili z alertami.
Dwa dni temu dostałem pierwsze alerty, i maile były całkiem po chińsku.
Wczoraj dostałem alerty, w których temat maila był po chińsku, a treść po angielsku.
Dzisiaj dostałem alerty, które były całkiem po angielsku!
jestem ciekaw, co dostanę jutro…
2024-04-29 13:30:06

Check out today's Metacurity for the critical infosec developments you might have missed over the weekend, including
--Coffee County shut down access to state voter registration system following cyberattack
--Okta warns of unprecedented spike in credential stuffing attacks, crumbles after Discord ban,
--Ukraine hacking group claims attack on Russian telecom provider,
--Belarus hacktivists claim attack on country's security agency,
--UK bans devices that come with weak passwords,
--Canada's London Drugs temporarily shutters 79 stores following cyber incident,
--much more
2024-02-29 04:52:32

Well…it finally happened…
after teaching beginning photography for over 15 years, I finally did it.
I taught a SHIT class tonight. 😢
I was all out of sorts, my computer didn't want to show the slides properly, I couldn't keep my thoughts straight, it felt like I was unprepared…
Ugh...what an awful feeling…
2024-04-29 19:22:49

Spent some time last week at one of the campuses in the news re: anti-war demonstrations. I saw a lot of crazy shit.
It was sad, enraging, and pretty much left me with a feeling of hopelessness for humanity, yet again.
There are so many bad actors, bad faith interpretations, mischaracterizations, and mindless escalations.
It was a stark and depressing reminder of just how tribal we are as a species.
On the upside though was having some great conversation with my k…
2024-04-29 22:56:00

Have you ever wondered, what if Groundhog Day, but with guns?
What if The Lazarus Project, but without the intelligent writing?
What if Russian Doll, but without the quirky charm?
Then Edge of Tomorrow is the film for you.
Yes Jessie is away taking to people about writing at Moniack Mhor and I am consequently watching films that I know she would never want to watch. And she has been proved right, yet again.
2024-02-29 08:47:00

Mentafy: Kontrolle des Schreibprozesses für Lehrende, KI-Hilfe für Nutzende
Stammt der Text vom Prüfling oder der KI? Ein Start-up aus Köln möchte Arbeitsprozesse für Lehrende transparent machen und KI-Tools dabei nicht verdammen.